(10/10) Finishing up zine, cards, and planning evaluative test
Mass producing all my illustrations for but my cards and zine, planning my evaluative test, and also creating my service design blueprint.
(9/10) Prepping for Thesis Defense
Prepping for thesis defense, writing dissertation, creating slides, filming video, and creating the party service design
(8/10) - Spring break! But not really
Where instead of taking a break during spring break, I just did more work.
(7/10) Finalizing designs and mass-illustrations of everything
I find that I like to try to plan and prepare every little detail so that I don’t have to worry about it when I get to the more tedious task. This is what I did this week in preparation for the illustrations.
(6/10) Designing, illustrating, and planning cards & zine illustration
Designing, illustrating, and planning my cards and zines.
(5/10) Mid-term Presentation Preparations
Analyzing my data and preparing for my mid-term presentation
(4/10) Designing and writing my zine, cards, and guestbook!
The week where I finally finished writing my zine and start really designing the zine itself and the cards that will go along with it.
(3/10) Prototyping and more writing
Writing chapter 3 of my autoethnography and prototyping my zine and conversation cards
(2/10) Meetings, drawing, writing, and introspection
A week of meetings, writing, and drawing. I definitely didn’t think that my prototyping phase will include so much writing.
(1/10) Winter Recap of Thesis Progress
A recap of all the things I completed for my thesis over December 2021 - January 2022