(10/10) Finishing up zine, cards, and planning evaluative test

What did I do this week?

  • Plan evaluative test

  • Create a service design diagram

  • Create illustrations for zine and cards

Plan evaluative test

Using the template we received from class, I planned my evaluative test for my service design, cards, and zine.

  • Scope: My rituals & customs card set. My zine. My guestbook. And the party that I would organize based on the state of the card set and zine by late April. The party is set to be organized in late April. The card set and zine will be tested on their content and illustrations.

  • Purpose:

    1. What uses can my users see themselves using the ritual and customs card set for?

    2. What subjects do my users find themselves reflecting on while they read the zine?

    3. What were people's perceptions of CNY during and after the party?

    4. How would people rate their experience leading up to and after the party?

  • Schedule & Location:

    • Party: This will be set at my apartment and scheduled to be in late April

    • Surveys: This will be sent out to party participants after the party

    • Interviews & conversations: Probably zoom in or during class time. They will be scheduled based on the availability of the participants.

  • Sessions:

    • During the party: I will be chatting with my party participants and ask them questions about how they are doing and what they thought of the card set and zine. The session here will be obtaining observational and conversational data. The goal of this session is to keep the conversational natural and part of the party atmosphere.

    • Interviews will be 30 minutes each. They will be casual and set in a neutral place (on-campus or on zoom). Each party would have already happened, these will mostly be retrospective questions.

    • The surveys will be done on their own time

  • Equipment:

    • Notebook: I will keep notes from the party and in-person interviews using a notebook so as to not ruin the party atmosphere. This will then be translated onto my Notion page on my laptop.

    • Laptop: This will be where I store my data and how I will send out my survey and zoom interviews sessions.

    • Smartphone: My phone will be used to take pictures and videos from the party to document how the party went.

  • Participants: I am hoping to find 5-6 participants. These people will be invited to my party and I will interview them and send them surveys later. They will be friends who have a range of knowledge about Chinese New Year rituals so that I get a diverse set of backgrounds in my evaluative research.

  • Scenarios:

    • During the party: I will strike up a conversation with each participant and ask them how the party is going, what their thoughts on the card they received with their invitations were, and what other things they can imagine they might use the cards for.

    • In the survey: I will ask participants to answer a series of questions. Did were your thoughts on the food card you received with your invitations? How could the invitation process be improved for someone not familiar with CNY? What were people's perceptions of CNY during and after the party? What was your perception of CNY before the party and after? Are there any suggestions they would like to make for the next one

    • Interviews: I will be similar to the survey but more focused on personal narratives and thoughts.

  • Metrics:

    • Are you likely to use or recommend the card set?

    • How many uses can you come up with for the card set?

    • Are you likely to read or recommend the zine?

    • How would you rate your party experience?

  • Roles: Me - Notetaker, questions asker, main observer

Create a service design diagram

Using the table I created last week, I created a service design blueprint for my party service design. I found the template on the Figma community search page and modified to my specific situation.

Create illustrations for zine and cards

Since everything else has been designed and concluded, all that is left is to illustrate the rest of the book and the cards. I actually really like doing this part and wish I have more time to do it.


(9/10) Prepping for Thesis Defense