Rochwarts: April Fools Page


Back in April Fools 2016, I collaborated with the University of Rochester Communications department to create Rochwarts.  Rochwarts is a play on Hogwarts, the school from Harry Potter for those who might know. 

It was the first time I got to pitch a project and it was accepted with enthusiasm from the magazine team. Everyone on the team contributed to the project and did an amazing job. My responsibilities were to created the different houses that the students would be sorted into and implement the sorting hat algorithm that would sort the students into their houses.

Effects of Rochwarts

  • Nearly doubled the total number of visits to the University homepage compared to the average for a Friday the semester.

  • Facebook post reached 160,000 views

  • Facebook page gained 67 new followers on April 1; average over the last 28 days is 37

  • Twitter account gained 32 new followers on April 1; average over the last 90 days is 20

The website can be viewed here -


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