20 Things From 2020
Hello, it’s been a while since I wrote a blogpost for myself. I think the last one I did was in 2018. Wow, that was a while ago. I guess you tend to forget to be introspective when things are pretty good. But, I think I can safely say, 2020 was a shit year for everyone. I was one of the luckier ones.
— Hello future me, just in case you forgot what happened in 2020 here is a short list: continent-wide wildfires in Australia, COVID-19 global pandemic that led to lockdowns all around the world, an economic downturn/depression reminiscent of 2008, a summer of Black Lives Matter protests sparked by the deaths of many African Americans by the hand of U.S. police, and the 2020 election in which democracy itself was on the line. I’m sure I’m missing something, but by now some scholars would have already written books about it —
And from this year of seismic change and turmoil, I learned a few things: about life and about myself. It’s nothing groundbreaking really. But I find that writing it all down helps me to remember them and is also a nice reminder to myself. To remind myself that you are surrounded by people that love you. To remind myself that kindness, learning, mistakes, and understanding is what makes you grow. To remind myself that 2021 is a new year, but one that must be built on the things that you learned from before.
(Transcribed from above)
Life happens wherever you are, whether you want it to or not. There’s no fighting it, so you might as well enjoy it as it happens
The littlest things are sometimes the biggest
Hug more, you never know when you won’t be able to do it anymore
You are so much more capable than you think you are. Don’t wait for someone to say you did a good job or give you a sticker. Give yourself so much more credit.
Mistakes are apart of the process. It’s a reminder that no one is perfect, and that’s normal. Learn from it. Grow from it.
Take care of yourself and listen to your body. Just because your mind thinks you can keep going, that doesn’t mean your body can.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You are surrounded by amazing people who want to lend you a hand. Don’t be scared or prideful to take what is being offered.
Never ever take for granted the brilliant people in your life. Tell them you love them and appreciate them every time you meet them, IRL or virtual.
Never underestimate the power of a good bubble bath. Light a candle. Read that book. Break out that bougie body scrub and face mask. Tub time is your time.
Remember to take breaks. I know you still struggle and you keep telling yourself “I don’t know how to take a break”. Schedule it in if you can’t do it naturally. No idea what to do? Give yourself a prompt: draw, dance, play, listen. You’ll be surprised how you’ll fill the time.
Sometimes, you just need to bite the bullet. Decisions aren’t made by waiting around and seeing if someone will make it for you. Take the leap. Trust your gut.
Don’t be afraid to show your true self. Support those causes with pride. Bring your full self to work. Everyone likes a little personality and what’s the fun in being dull and fitting in?
It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel big things that seem to swallow you whole. Let them go through you like a rushing river, and not like a damn that explodes.
Have fun wherever you are. Life is too short to be serious all the time. Make those muffins look like a butt. Do a silly dance in the hallway. Go to work meetings in a dinosaur onesie. A moment of levity never hurt anyone.
Dogs are the best. Pet them. Hug them. Love them with all your heart.
It’s okay if things don’t work out. Have gentler and kinder expectations for yourself and it’s okay to not tick everything off your list
Celebrate your small victories. You don’t need a life-changing event to break out the champagne. Plants survived 3 years under your care? Celebrate! Finished your exams? Celebrate! Finished an art piece you were scared of? Celebrate!
You are part of a team, and together neither of you will ever face a problem alone. It will never be you vs. them, but rather you and them vs. the problem.
You don’t need much to be happy. If lockdown and the pandemic have taught you anything, it’s that you already have everything you need and everything else is an accessory to your happiness.
There’s no point in trying to achieve life milestones faster. Everyone goes at their own pace and comparison does you no good. You will always be learning, making mistakes, being curious, and loving the people around you. So take it all in, and enjoy it how you like.